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cremation services in Lincoln, CA

Tips for Displaying a Loved One’s Cremated Remains in Your Home

Is your family going to bring a loved one’s cremated remains back home following a cremation service in Lincoln, CA, and put them out on display? If you are, you’re going to want to be sure that you take the correct approach to do it. It’ll ensure that the remains look great when they’re displayed. It’ll also prevent the remains from getting damaged at any point. Here are some useful tips on how to display a loved one’s cremated remains in your home in the right way.

Place the Remains Into A Decorative Urn

If you’re going to bury a person’s remains or stick them into a cremation niche, you might not have to worry too much about putting their remains into a decorative urn after their Lincoln, CA cremation. But if you’re going to display the remains in your home, you’re going to want to go with an urn that complements the interior design of your house. You should shop around for the right urn in the days leading up to your loved one’s cremation and lean on your funeral home for help in picking one out.

Find the Best Possible Place To Put The Urn In Your Home

Once you’ve picked out an urn for your loved one’s cremated remains, you’re going to need to find a good place to put it. You should consider at least a few different options in your home. Many people opt to put their loved one’s remains up on a fireplace mantel or in a hutch. It’s going to be your call, but you should try to find a spot where you know your loved one’s remains will be safe. At the same time, you also want the remains to be in a spot where you’re going to see them all the time.

Put Photos of Your Loved One All Around The Urn

After you choose the perfect place for your loved one’s cremated remains, you can set their urn down there and adjust it accordingly so that it looks just great. You can then surround the urn with photos of your loved ones so that you’re reminded of the good times that they had. You can also put out other mementos that remind you of your loved one around their urn. You’ll be able to keep your loved one’s spirit alive by surrounding their urn with these things.

Commit to Keeping the Urn Clean For Years To Come

From almost the moment that you bring your loved one’s cremated remains into your home, the urn housing them is going to gather dust. It’s why you’re going to need to work to keep the urn clean in the coming years. You should be able to do this by dusting the urn and occasionally wiping it down. It’ll give you a chance to spend a few minutes in silence thinking about your loved one while you work to clean their urn and everything that is situated around it.

Where Do You Put Urns?

Cremation urns are the final resting place for cremated ashes. They can be simple yet elegant, or aesthetic and artistically designed depending on your choice.

If you’re looking to find something easy but beautiful for someone’s ashes after they’ve been cremated, there are plenty of ways that will help them be remembered by those who cared so much about them while still being earth-friendly as well!

People still want to be surrounded by the memories of their lost loved ones. Often, they’ll choose an urn to display that love even after death and cremation.

Storage Options for Cremated Ashes:

Placing the Cremation Urn in A Columbarium

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A columbarium is a place where the cremated remains of people are stored. These are often in urns, but not always. They can be public or private and they usually have an opening into which the ashes are placed after they have been collected from the funeral home. Many people like to use these as memorial gardens for those who were close to them because it allows them to visit their loved ones on any occasion and feel close even when far away.

The Columbarium is a private space for reflection, remembrance, and memorialization of loved ones. Some people visit the columbaria to experience their grief in peace or with others who have lost someone significant that they can relate to. Columbaria are often found in church grounds and cemeteries, but they also may be built indoors or outdoors.

To honor and preserve the life of your loved one, you may include photographs, mementos, etc. in their niche to personalize it and commemorate them. Not only will storage keep a memorial for future generations but it also serves as an enduring record of that person’s once-living existence.

Entombed In A Crypt In A Mausoleum

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A mausoleum is a large structure that contains the tomb of a deceased person. They are usually built as an above-ground monument to honor someone who has passed away, and they can be used for those in wealthy families or wealthy communities. Some people call them “tombs” but the term “mausoleum” refers to a building constructed specifically for this purpose, not just any old gravesite. These buildings can often house hundreds of graves with many being stacked on top of each other in layers; some even have crypts where one person may be buried under another’s gravestone.

Cremation Plot

Ashes have the option to be buried in a cremation plot or just scattered. However, if you choose this method there may not be any additional fee for those who wish to bury them with family members’ ashes already on memorial plots at cemeteries.

Cremation Bench, Memorial Rock, Or Grave Marker

Cremation memorials can come in the form of a bench, rock, or grave marker. These are popular options for those who don’t want to hold onto their loved one’s physical remains and choose cremation instead. The different styles and customizability make it a fitting way to show off their style when they had life but also as something beautiful at someone’s final resting place once all is said and done.

Convert into Glass or Diamonds

The ashes from cremated remains can be used to create a beautiful piece of jewelry that is not only sentimental but also made with love. These memorial diamonds are often known as synthetic or cultured and come in many sizes and shapes. Cremated remains can also be converted into a beautiful and precious work of art. Using glass blowing techniques, small portions of the cremains are fused with molten glass to create exquisite creations for your loved one’s memorial service or home decorating project.

There are many different options for those who wish to dispose of cremated remains. One option is to scatter the ashes in a designated area, such as on land or water, and keep some of them in beautiful jewelry like rings, necklaces, lockets, and more.

Before you can bring your loved one’s cremated remains home with you and display them, you’ll need a reputable Lincoln, CA funeral home to help you with the cremation process. Heritage Oaks Memorial Chapel can assist you with it and provide you with options for cremation services. Contact us for all your cremation needs.

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